Due to recent events in The Narrows, school bus service has been rerouted in District 22. Bus pick-up is available at pick-up points on Harbor Street at the bridge and at Eleventh Ave. and 30th. Van service is available for special needs.
Last day of school. Final report cards issued.
Several GUSD schools are serving as polling stations for the election. Check your district for your location.
The Uptown region theater club presents its annual musical. Fifth and six graders perform a special version of "Fastest in the West" by Herman Hammersmith. Tickets are now on sale at all Uptown schools.
All GUSD schools will be closed in observance of Memorial Day.
End-of-year parent/teacher conferences begin. Students will be bringing home times and locations on Monday, May 5. If you don't receive yours, please call the administration office.
Spring band recital at the Ford High auditorium. The inter-city junior concert band presents a selection of favorite marches and showtunes.
PTA Pizza n' Pasta Open House
The PTA welcomes all parents to a pizza n' pasta dinner at the district banquet room. Join us for an informal evening of good food and good conversation about the school year behind us and the school year ahead. We encourage all parents to attend this community-oriented event. $5 per parent to help offset the cost.
Gotham Unified School District holds its annual Valentine's Day Dance. This year's theme is "We Are All Someone Special." The dance will be held at Gotham Community Center #4 in Granton at 7pm. Please contact GUSD if you'd like to chaperone.
Principal Lucille H. Falcoffy has resigned from her position at Gotham Public School #31 for personal reasons. She will be replaced by Vice-Principal Gabrielle Marya Cohen.
The Gotham Unified School District is shocked to report that embezzlement from the Annual Bake Sale resulted in our worst revenue from the sale in 40 years. Please contact the GUSD if you have any information on this terrible crime.
The Annual Bake Sale to Raise Money for Gotham Schools will be held at Gotham Public School #31 in the East End at 11am. We need people to bring their baked goods, and we need people to buy the baked goods! So if you're in the mood for cookies, cakes, muffins, croissants, and other sinful treats, come on down!
A meeting will be held at Gotham Public School #234 to discuss a change in gym clothing regulations. Public participation is encouraged
Congratulations go out to the following 30-year GUSD veterans:
• Jeanine Aundrue: Asst.
Superintendent, K-12 Fiscal
Services and Policy
• Jake Karnassian: Mgr. Buildings
and Grounds (on hiatus)
• Robert Guyanin: Asst.
Superintendent, Special
Metal Detectors have been installed in all schools, K-12. This program marks a new level in safety standards in Gotham Public Schools.
Have A Great Summer!
Don't forget the 8th Grade Field Trip to Gotham Carnivalland on July 11th. Parent permission slips will be mailed out on July 7th. See you there, and have a safe, sane and satisfying summer!