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Gotham Cab Company Shut Down, Green Taxis Stalled
Gotham environmentalists reacted with fury as the City stopped its "green taxi" initiative yesterday. The campaign to replace gas-powered taxis with hybrid vehicles fell victim to the ongoing investigation of Gotham Cabs. The company's owner, Karl Breitup, was killed in a shootout at Betty's House of Pies during an arrest attempt by GPD Internal Affairs. Breitup was suspected of corruption in his day job as a police officer. Gotham officials said they simply could not continue the deal with the company as evidence of its role as a "mob delivery network in Gotham" emerged. But environmentalists said that global warming was a crisis of planetary proportions, and that the city should not let its concern over "petty crime" stop it from taking major action against climate change.
Madame Soleil's Wax Museum to Add Batman Figure
An A-list event at Madame Soleil's Wax Museum brought out Gotham's glitterati, eager to get a first glimpse of the newly-minted Batman wax figure. Novelist Johnson Irving ("The Price of Money"), actress Vanessa DeAngeli ("Love and Other Weapons"), and newly-minted reality star Jason Samuel Freeman ("Gotham Bouncers") were all at hand at the party, which featured a twenty-foot chocolate fountain and a performance by Gotham rap star DJ Lyrinx. The wax figure, which was put together in a matter of weeks by master waxman George Santamarona, shows Batman standing on a street corner, cape spread. Santamarona said the figure was easier than others to create, since Batman's face is covered with a mask and "noses are the hardest thing to get right." The museum is closed this week for renovations but will be open thereafter.