Betty's House of Pies wiretap
December 1, 2007
As described in the SID memo, the stream for the Breitup/McCree sting operation at http://www.gpdiad.com/feeds/as12061500 went live at 3PM EST.

Wiretap and transcript
[background diner noise]
[footsteps approach]
Breitup: You order?
McCree: Just coffee for both of us. Nobody eats here.
Breitup: Flass did.
[both chuckle]
McCree: Yeah, Flass would eat off a train floor.
Breitup: I heard he's lost a lot of weight.
McCree: Well what'd you expect? The guy's a vegetable.
Waitress: Your coffee. You want anything with that?
Breitup: Hey Betty. Just the special.
Waitress: You don't want a pie or nothin'?
McCree: Aaah, no thanks. The missus made 3 pies for the Thanksgiving. I'm all pie'd out.
Waitress: [fuzzy] ..or is it just coffee? What am I, some kind of barista or somethin'?
Breitup: Hey. I promise, we'll tip good.
Waitress: Hm, three tables, just drinking coffee. Stupid town. Now Mr. Falcone, he liked a piece of pie. Special's with the check. [walks away]
McCree: She charged us for the coffee. Well you know we gotta pay here - there'll be a drop point.. Look at this, will ya? Two bucks for coffee.
[footsteps approach]
Barhyte: It's okay guys. Coffee's on the department this time! [hushed and serious] Internal Affairs, hands on the table. I'll take your sidearms and we'll all go downtown.
McCree: Internal Affairs?
Barhyte: Keep your voices down. Hands on the table.
[people yell in the background. "Get down, get down!" Gunshots are fired. Bullets can be heard whizzing by.]
Barhyte: We've got fire, we've got fire. We need backup. We need backup.
McCree: [muffled voice] Oh God! Karl!
Barhyte: Officer down!
McCree: [bullets ricochet]...couldn't do this in the parking lot? You had to arrest us in the middle of a restaurant? Who - who do you think eats here?! Boy Scouts?!! Who the hell do you think eats here? Jesus Christ! This is horrible!
Barhyte: 2261 I need backup. 1445 Maloney.
[someone can be heard panting and shuddering in the background]
Radio: Unit 2261, we have reports of shots fired. Units are on their way.
Barhyte: We've got an officer down, repeat, officer down.
Radio: Copy that.
Barhyte: Suspects are two white males on....
[footsteps approach]
Breitup: You order?
McCree: Just coffee for both of us. Nobody eats here.
Breitup: Flass did.
[both chuckle]
McCree: Yeah, Flass would eat off a train floor.
Breitup: I heard he's lost a lot of weight.
McCree: Well what'd you expect? The guy's a vegetable.
Waitress: Your coffee. You want anything with that?
Breitup: Hey Betty. Just the special.
Waitress: You don't want a pie or nothin'?
McCree: Aaah, no thanks. The missus made 3 pies for the Thanksgiving. I'm all pie'd out.
Waitress: [fuzzy] ..or is it just coffee? What am I, some kind of barista or somethin'?
Breitup: Hey. I promise, we'll tip good.
Waitress: Hm, three tables, just drinking coffee. Stupid town. Now Mr. Falcone, he liked a piece of pie. Special's with the check. [walks away]
McCree: She charged us for the coffee. Well you know we gotta pay here - there'll be a drop point.. Look at this, will ya? Two bucks for coffee.
[footsteps approach]
Barhyte: It's okay guys. Coffee's on the department this time! [hushed and serious] Internal Affairs, hands on the table. I'll take your sidearms and we'll all go downtown.
McCree: Internal Affairs?
Barhyte: Keep your voices down. Hands on the table.
[people yell in the background. "Get down, get down!" Gunshots are fired. Bullets can be heard whizzing by.]
Barhyte: We've got fire, we've got fire. We need backup. We need backup.
McCree: [muffled voice] Oh God! Karl!
Barhyte: Officer down!
McCree: [bullets ricochet]...couldn't do this in the parking lot? You had to arrest us in the middle of a restaurant? Who - who do you think eats here?! Boy Scouts?!! Who the hell do you think eats here? Jesus Christ! This is horrible!
Barhyte: 2261 I need backup. 1445 Maloney.
[someone can be heard panting and shuddering in the background]
Radio: Unit 2261, we have reports of shots fired. Units are on their way.
Barhyte: We've got an officer down, repeat, officer down.
Radio: Copy that.
Barhyte: Suspects are two white males on....
Next: McCree confession