Maroni Imports
July 3, 2008
In a new email from Jim Gordon to Glenn Barhyte, Gordon mentioned Maroni's "import business." From this information, Maroniimports.com was found.

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July 3, 2008
Batfan73 on the CFB forums had a shipment that needed to be activated in order to initiate a Citizensforbatman.org project. An update on Gothamcityrail.com revealed Batfan73 to be GCR engineer Chuck Craston. Using this last name and the invoice number from CFB brings up an invoice for an amplifier.

The software key shown on the bottom was needed to activate the July 8 project locations on Citizensforbatman.org's main page, which had updated with a submission field. Once the key was entered, the locations for the July 8th event were revealed: New York City and Chicago.

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