October 31, 2007
After the "49 locations" game on Halloween , the participant was redirected to the website which contained a note:
Patience is a virtue, but who wants to be virtuous? It's time to get this little show of mine on the road. Anyone can wear a mask on Halloween. it's what they skin off your face the rest of the year that really slays an audience.
Want to make me laugh? Here's a little challenge you can try, starting at daybreak tomorrow.
Round up a crew, your friends, family, and even your foes (as many clowns as you can find) and make yourselves look as pretty as me. Put on a show in front of the most famous landmark in your city, but don't get arrested -- you're no use to me behind bars.
Send me a picture and I'll see if you have what it takes.
Pictures are like ears: anything you lend me, I'm never giving back. You, I only want to rent. The pictures I'm gonna own.
Be clever, be daring, be creative or just be the butt of my joke.
Do this for me... and I'll do something
November 1, 2007
The instructions page was updated with a photo upload link, informing partipants that submissions were accepted until November 17, claiming that:
Addresses were also requested by the Joker:
You won't regret it. At least, not for a while...
November 2, 2007
The front page was updated to show catalogues with submitted photos, in 3 categories for person count: "Clown Car 1-10", "3 Ring Circus 7-20", "Over the Big Top 20+".
November 13, 2007
Even before the submission deadline, packages were received by persons who submitted highly-rated photos. Velvet bags arrived in a large envelope, each containing clown makeup kits, Joker cards, and a note from the Joker
Here's a small token for taking me so seriously!
November 15, 2007
It was reported that Moses Roberts (a.k.a. MosesMonster), the user who submitted the highest-rated +21 photo, received a large box containing 23 clown masks, along with a note from the Joker:
Finally a group of people who know how to follow directions...
This is exactly what I'm looking for -
Mayhem in public places.
Nice to see someone take me so seriously
November 18, 2007
At midnight, a new note appeared below the collection of submitted images, hinting at the next update being shortly after Thanksgiving and to watch for mail.
The clock's struck 12 and I'm sending something special for each and every one of you clowns who made my list by the deadline.
The fun-filled times should roll in shortly after the bird's been carved!
Don't you just love the taste of envelope glue?
November 21, 2007
There were reports of a final package, which include a copy of the first issue of The Gotham Times. The Joker was still not finished, adding another clue in the paper in the form of a corrected classified ad - his personal email address ( from which he would send numerous clues for future games.