March 26, 2008
Rossi's Delicatessen was a Gotham restaurant website, listed on Citizensforbatman.org as a meeting place for the group.

New window: Go to site mirror
March 30, 2008
From an exchange between Albert Rossi and Joseph Candoloro on Candoloro's voicemail, one could call Rossi's number (1-866-580-3840) and use his PIN (9482, the numbers which correspond to his mother's name "Zita" on a phone keypad) to access his voicemail.
At the tone, leave a message, or enter your 4-digit code to listen to your messages.
April 1, 2008
April 6, 2008
April 9, 2008
Using Notaro's birthday (March 29, 1976), the PIN 32976 was found for his number (1-866 608-3515), and revealed 3 voicemails:
The number you are trying to reach - 608-3515 - is not available at this time. Please leave a message at the beep, or enter your PIN to listen to your messages.
April 13
[phone picks up]
Rossi: Hello! Notaro! Je-sus! We've been worried about you!
Notaro: Yeah, well uh...I got scared, ya know? I saw thugs following me and uh, that rumor I was cooperatin'...Hey, stupid! That's not a recipe for greatness!
Rossi: Naw, naw naw, that's all in your head. [birds heard chirping in background] We can get through this. Just - tell me where ya are. Let's...meet, whatever you need. We wanna help ya. Money for a lawyer, whatever.
Notaro: Me and Cisneros aren't spillin' anything!
Rossi: I know! I know! We all know! This has been a big misunderstandin'.
Notaro: Can I trust you?
Rossi: I am a stand-up guy. That's solid. You can borrow on that! You're not in any danger. I'm tellin' ya.
Notaro: [car passes] I want a meeting!
Rossi: Yeah, look. My guys wanna get this story straight with ya. Give ya some cash, for everything you've gone through. We feel terrible.
Notaro: And what about Cisneros?
Rossi: Same for him! He's safe, you're safe! Everyone's safe! Just gimme an address where you're gonna be and I'll be there in fifteen!
Notaro: Well right now I'm outside of Cisneros's house. [birds chirping in background] I gotta wait for him.
Rossi: ...You gotta wait for him?
Notaro: Yeah, he's drivin' back with his family. [pause] There he is now.
[car approaches]
[tremendous explosion]
Notaro: HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HE KILLED 'EM! HE KILLED 'EM ALL! He killed his KIDS!!! [dogs barking] Oh my GOD!
Phone-in orders
April 13, 2008
An update was added to the site:
When customers called in that day, the interactions between them and the deli hostess were collected into a wiretap document in the GPD SID.
- Albert Rossi's PIN was found through his baptism certificate listed on the website for Saint Swithuns Church. Other documents listed in the church's database revealed deeper mob ties with the GPD.
Next: Saintswithunschurch.org
- Frank Notaro expresses anxiety in the April 1 voicemail, regarding an interview he did with The Gotham Times's James Levine.
- On April 6, Notaro voiced his disapproval of the new ad on Ccfabg.org.
- Notaro's voicemail was discovered and accessed, revealing three messages on April 9. From that information and Notaro's bank statement, it can be assumed that Notaro planned to take his entire family out of Gotham and into hiding. Glenn Barhyte had been trying to meet with Notaro via email and managed to secure a meeting on April 9 on the Liberty Ferry. However, Notaro did not show up out of fear.
- In desperation and fear for the safety of his family, Notaro planned to confront Candoloro at Rossi's Deli, but after Notaro's partner Cisneros was killed (along with his entire family) in a car bomb recorded on the April 13 voicemail, he snaps and takes hostages.