Roger Garcetti
Former Gotham District Attorney
Concerned Citizens for a Better Gotham
Roger Garcetti was Gotham's acting district attorney after the death of DA Carl Finch, and has a notable immense dislike of Batman and Harvey Dent. After losing reelection to Dent, a corruption probe outed Garcetti as "the Iceman", the shadowy mob figure who helped position Concerned Citizens for a Better Gotham to smear Dent. He has since turned state's evidence and was to testify in Dent's case against Sal Maroni.
- Thegothamtimes.com
- Arrest or Embrace? Politicians Unsure How To Deal With Batman
- The Day Shift: Be Careful What You Wish For
- The Back Page: Look Out Gotham, Here Comes Harvey Dent!
- Crime Victim Sues Batman For Loss Of Car
- Harvey Dent joins race for Gotham DA
- Garcetti Vows "Cleanest Campaign in Gotham History"
- The Back Page: Lamb Chops with DA Garcetti
- Landslide Win for Harvey Dent
- Harvey Dent: A New Day for Gotham?
- Gothamcab.com voicemails
- Gothamcityclerk.com
- Maiden Avenue Report
- Joseph Candoloro's voicemails (as "the Iceman")
- Trustgarcetti.com
- Gotham Cable News
- Garcetti Tries to Make Citizens For Batman an Election Issue
- Harvey Dent: Can the "White Knight of Gotham" Win?
- Harvey Dent Wins in Landslide
- Sources: Dent Plans "All Out War" on Mob
- Garcetti Rumored to Turn State's Evidence
- Dent Takes on "Biggest Target Yet" - Maroni
- Gotham Tonight