Press conference/
Rossi's Deli hostage situation
April 9, 2008
Ibelieveinharveydent.com was updated with news about a press conference to be streamed live on April 13. The video of Rachel Dawes endorsing Harvey Dent from Thegothamtimes.com/media/jlevine/public was also added to the page with the caption "DAWES ENDORSES DENT!" A corresponding email was sent from the Dent campaign.
Harvey Dent realizes that the slanderous and untrue charges trumped up by a mysterious group never seen before in Gotham politics has distracted from the real issues facing Gotham - how to make our city safe again and fight the crime and corruption that is endangering our future. I Believe In Harvey Dent will hold a press conference on Sunday, April 13th at 3:00 pm (EDT) for an important announcement regarding the campaign. The audio of this event will be streamed live on this website.
The Gotham Machinists Union has not "withdrawn their endorsement" of Harvey Dent for DA. Their spokesmen clarified that the endorsement has merely been "suspended" for the time being. The Harvey Dent campaign looks forward to the continued support of the Gotham Machinists Union.
The Harvey Dent campaign lives and breathes off its volunteer crew. Hundreds of Gotham citizens have joined the campaign to change our city. But this week, our donut donor stopped donating donuts to us. And as anyone who has worked on a campaign knows, if the volunteers are the life's blood of a campaign, then donuts are the life's blood of the volunteers. If any of you know of a donut donor who would like to get involved in the campaign to take Gotham back, please have them contact the campaign. Thank you.
Pre-conference updates
April 13, 2008
Three hours prior, a reminder email was sent from Dent's campaign.
A reminder update was also added to Ibelieveinharveydent.com:
I Believe in Harvey Dent will hold a press conference today at 3:00 pm (EDT) for an important announcement regarding his campaign. The audio of this event will be streamed live on this site courtesy of James Levine of The Gotham Times.
Due to circumstances beyond our control, the Harvey Dent for DA campaign is temporarily moving out of its campaign headquarters. As of today, the Headquarters will be situated in the guest house behind the house of Allan Cypes, the media manager for the campaign. We are still committed to electing Harvey Dent and taking back Gotham from the forces of darkness, crime, and corruption.

The home page also featured a Flash widget displaying the site visitor's connection to the streaming audio. It constantly changes to "weak," "fair" or "strong."
At 3 PM, instead of a press conference, the feed began with police officers discussing a hostage situation: Francis Notaro had taken a woman hostage at Rossi's Deli and was demanding witness protection for him and his family. As the police attempted to negotiate with Notaro, Harvey Dent arrived and exchanged himself for the hostage. Soon after, both men walked out and Notaro was arrested.
Later, it was discovered that Mary Breitup was found shot to death in the deli. Currently, there are no official suspects for that murder.
GPD Captain Wilco: Get down! Get down! Behind the door!
[shuffling - Levine is probably doing what he's told]
[gunshots and more screaming]
Notaro: I'm serious! Imma kill this woman! Get away from the door!
Wilco: Move all units back. Don't provoke the guy.
Negotiator (Mandrake) on megaphone: All right, Frank, we're moving back.
Wilco: Alpha team, GET in position!
Levine: What's your plan, Wilco?
Wilco: We need to get more info. Other gunmen, clear the vicinity, clean views. Assess the situation. Beta team, I want that optic in there.
Notaro: That's better. Now get those other guys off of the roof!
Mandrake: We don't have aaanybody on the roof.
GPD officer: Keep that crowd back, Sergeant!
Wilco: I want teams A and B IN position, LOOKING for a clear shot.
Notaro: Nobody on the roof, huh? Don't blame me, Mandrake!
Reporter: [sirens in background] It's a scene of terror and pandemonium here as police officer Frank Notaro holds a petrified woman at gunpoint.
Notaro: I've taken your own goddamn class, Mandrake!
GPD officer: [helicopter in background] This is a restricted area! If you're not police, move back!
GPD sniper (Nacasha) on radio: Copy to Wilco. I have a clear shot, captain.
Notaro: I see you both with two teams on the rooftop, Mandrake! We both know that!
Wilco: You do not have permission to fire! I want surveillance set up right here.
GPD woman: Yes sir. [footsteps in background]
Notaro: So why do you want a Alpha AND Beta team outta the sky NOW!
Levine: What do we know about this guy?
Wilco: Cop named Notaro, 10-year vet. Doesn't look like he's going out with a pension.
Levine: [in disbelief] Notaro? Frank Notaro?
Notaro: Don't screw with me, Mandrake! I'm the psycho with the gun!
Wilco: That's good, Nolan. Gimme a wraparound view inside.
Levine: A-and he just snapped?
Mandrake: Okay, okay Frank, you're too smart for me. Let's get off the rooftop, guys.
Wilco: Alpha team, get down from the tops and make a show of it. Beta, move around the back.
Team Alpha/Beta: Roger that. Copy that.
Wilco: His partner, Cisneros. His car was just firebombed. Word is Notaro might have done it. He dropped out of contact.
Nacasha: I've lost the shot. Repeat, no clear shot.
Wilco: We know, Nacasha. I want a firing solution at all times.
Mandrake: Okay. We did what you asked for. We want the same thing, Frank. For this to end without anyone getting hurt.
Notaro: I want my family protected, Mandrake! I want witness relocation!
Nacasha: Coffee shop here. We got a sweet shot.
Wilco: That's good, coffee shop. Stay put. Hold your fire.
Mandrake: We can do that. We can do that, as long as nobody gets hurt here, Frank.
Wilco: Just sit tight, ladies.
Levine: Witness relocation. Is he testifying?
Wilco: I dunno. Internal Affairs has been everywhere lately. What's this? Nolan, push in on Notaro's upper back. He's got a vest, he's wearing a vest!
Notaro: I want - I want a guarantee! That my kids...and my wife...are gonna be safe!
Wilco: We're gonna have to go in for a head shot. Repeat, head shot only!
Mandrake: We will protect your family. Nobody is out to kill your family.
Notaro: Aah, screw you Mandrake! Y-y-you think I'm makin' this all UP? They killed Cisneros's family! And now they're after mine!
Levine: Is that his partner? Cisneros?
Wilco: Yeah.
Levine: I thought you said he did it.
Wilco: I dunno, his partner's car was firebombed and now he's taking hostages.
Notaro: They killed his kids! I saw it! I SAW IT! I was there!
Nacasha: Coffee shop here. We lost the shot, we lost the shot.
Wilco: Who's got a shot? We need options, ladies!
Mandrake: We can guarantee the safety of your family.
Notaro: Like you guaranteed Cisneros' family?!
Nacasha: I've got a shot....No, I lost it.
Wilco: I want everyone to repo and give me a clear shot.
Mandrake: As long as nobody gets hurt here, we can make a deal, Sergeant.
[gunshot blast]
Notaro: What the hell was that?! What was THAT??
Wilco: Who the hell did that?
Nacasha: That was me, boss. Nacasha. My finger slipped.
Notaro: You tryin' to kill me?! KILL ME!
Mandrake: It was a mistake! I didn't order anything! Stop all fire!
Notaro: That's it! That's it! You think I'm kidding about the girl? You think I'm kidding??!!
Woman: [cries] I won't say anything! Please! Please, I have a kid!
Wilco: If anybody lets loose with so much as a spitball without permission, I will personally shove your head INTO a meat hook! Do you understand?
Levine: What happens now?
Wilco: We are officially in the suck!
Levine: Whoa, whoa. Who's walkin' up, is that one o' your guys?
GPD officer: Who the hell is that?
Wilco: Nac! Why is there a civilian walking up to the door?
Levine: Wait, is that Dent? [in disbelief] That's Harvey Dent. That's Harvey Dent, man!
Wilco: Oh Jesus. Just what we need here is some damn political circus. Hold your fire! Safety your weapons! Stay clear of Dent! Dammit!
GPD on radio 1: Damn, this is screwed up.
GPD on radio 2: Let's just order an air strike.
GPD on radio 1: Yeah, shake and bake, baby.
Notaro: Get outta here, Dent! You were the cause of all this!
Levine: What's Dent saying?
Wilco: I dunno, I can't hear.
Levine: W-w-what's he doing?
Wilco: I dunno, it looks like he's...trying to trade himself for the girl. That or he's selling Notaro his jacket. Let's just hold off boys until we see what Dent's doing.
Notaro: You come into this building, and I'll shoot ya dead!
Levine: Is Notaro gonna shoot him?
Wilco: I dunno. [footsteps in background] Guess not.
Nacasha: They got inside. No clear shot.
Wilco: Copy that.
Levine: [in disbelief] Wow...you ever seen him like that before? Huh? Is that uh, is that standard hostage negotiation technique?
Wilco: Not exactly. Gotta admit that guy has guts.
Levine: Can you see anything?
Wilco: They're talking. About something. I can't figure it out.
Levine: Oh my God. Is that...
Wilco: Hold your fire - the girl's coming out!
[applause in background]
Woman: Oh my God! Oh my God! [loud footsteps approach - she's running outside]
GPD officer: It's okay, lady. We got ya. You're okay.
Wilco: Okay ladies, let's be ready for anything.
Levine: W-can you send anyone in?
Wilco: It's too dangerous. Not with Dent in there.
Reporter: To update everyone, Harvey Dent has entered the shop and is currently being held by the gunman.
[applause in background]
Levine: Dent's comin' out with Notaro.
Wilco: Alpha, swarm Notaro! Let's go, move! Move, move!
GPD officer on radio: Jameson, cover Dent and secure him.
Nacasha: Nacasha here. Suspect is secure, Dent is safe.
Levine: I gotta write this up.
Immediately following the incident, an update was added to Ibelieveinharveydent.com:
Today's press conference was unexpectedly cancelled due to a hostage crisis located at a nearby deli. In a selfless move, Mr. Dent entered the premises, exchanged himself for a woman who was being held at gunpoint, and negotiated the successful release of the remaining patrons in the restaurant. Watch this site for updates. We will release more details when they become available.
April 15, 2008
A new update on Ibelieveinharveydent.com:
Hostage-taker was "smear cop"
Listen to raw audio here
A message from Harvey Dent
Friends, my entire campaign I've talked about how this campaign is a struggle for this city's soul. On the one hand, there are those people who prey on the innocent citizens of Gotham. On the other hand, there is our movement to take back Gotham from crime and corruption.
At Rossi's Deli, we saw that struggle play out. Play out inside the head of the hostage taker, Sgt. Frank Notaro. Some are calling him a "crazed smear cop" but he encapsulates the choice facing us. Do we continue to allow our worst nature to lead us? Or do we take a chance on hope?
That's the choice I laid out to Frank Notaro. And he responded. He released an innocent, terrified girl. He turned himself in. And he is now talking to the police about mob involvement in the smear campaign against me.
That's the real lesson of the incident. We must, all of us, have the courage to hope. If we have the power to change ourselves, if we have the power to change one person, then we have the power to change Gotham.