Kicking and Screening
July 10, 2008
From clues gleaned from the list of Jokerized Gotham websites, Whysoserious.com/kickingandscreening was found. Goons were also notified via an email from humanresources@whysoserious.com.
The page offered free tickets at 24 select IMAX theaters around the country to the Joker's final propaganda film - his 2.5-hr magnum opus.

You've played your part, here are your just rewards. Meet at the rendevous points below. Don't be late, don't forget your ticket or heads will roll. Casual attire, smiles optional.
Clicking for free tickets brought up an information submission page, titled "SPILL YOUR GUTS."

A successful submission allowed the participant to print out a ticket containing an individual code. Each ticket-holder also received a separate email confirmation.

Tickets sold out very quickly, with some locations lasting under an hour, proving the Joker's popularity amongst his followers. Ultimately, the film played out very successfully at these exclusive screenings, with hundreds of Joker faithful at each location hanging onto every moment of the 142-minute film.
Conclusions for Joker investigation
The mayhem that the Joker caused online was only a warmup to the terrorist rampage he unleashed in July 2008. Yet, the real-life nightmcare could not have been possible without the help he received from the international followers he so easily whisked into his online world.
The Joker himself may be currently incarcerated, but his online conspirators easily number into the thousands, and it may be impossible to find them all. The fact that so many willing anarchists exist freely in our society should give us pause and keep us vigilant.
Next investigation branch: Harvey Dent