CFB chat and video
July 8, 2008
At 3pm EDT, a chat site (where participating CFB members conversed among themselves) and a live feed were made available for both NYC and Chicago by clicking on the respective buildings shown in the countdown page.

Participants who gathered in each location received CFB paraphernalia (including shirts) and Gotham Times newspapers. At 10pm, they were given notes stapled to Domino's pizza boxes with a code word and directions to find a lockbox at another location.
The lockbox contained other instructions to find a 2-way radio at yet another location. Once the radio was found and the code word given, everyone was directed to another spot overlooking the Woolworth Building (NYC) and Sears Tower (Chicago). A Batsignal was then shown on the respective buildings.
Videos are posted below.
Bridog72 says: Hey everyone. Check back here tonight. We'll have a live video stream and text updates from the rally points.
x Bridog72 has left chat x
x BriDog72 has entered chat x
BriDog72 says: Anybody Here?
x IndigoGrrrl has entered chat x
BriDog72 says: Indigo!
x PizzaPaul has entered chat x
IndigoGrrrl says: Hi!
BriDog72 says: Paul Wassup Brother?
IndigoGrrrl says: This is amazing.
x WWBD has entered chat x
WWBD says: Hello Gentlemen
IndigoGrrrl says: And lady!
BriDog72 says: Status reports please.
IndigoGrrrl says: NYC here. Huge gathering here. Filled with CFB supporters. T-shirts everywhere. This is an incredible show of report. Hundreds here.
BriDog72 says: That's fantastic!
IndigoGrrrl says: Everyone is here, spilling into the streets, it's incredible. Flood of CFB supporters. Nobody can ignore it anymore.
BriDog72 says: What are people doing? Are they excited?
IndigoGrrrl says: Sorry I'm being jostled.
BriDog72 says: Safety First IndigoGrrl.
BriDog72 says: CHI -- how we doing?
PizzaPaul says: A picture is coming to show you how amazing it is here. Citizens for Batman RULE!!!!
PizzaPaul says:

BriDog72 says: Wow that's amazing! What's going on there? What about the heat? Are there cops there badgering us?
PizzaPaul says: Cops are keeping their distance. They're showing us the proper respect!
BriDog72 says: This is the proudest day of my life.
x DarkMatter10 has entered chat x
x Rockingranny has entered chat x
IndigoGrrrl says: I got a pic for you guys from NYC
IndigoGrrrl says:

Rockingranny says: This is the bee's knees!
BriDog72 says: RockinGranny! Wher u at?
PizzaPaul says: Just got a report from my people. We have over 500 people here in CHI. It's unbelievable -- the energy.
BriDog72 says: Wow. I hope everything goes well. I gotta tell everyone I'm a little scared. I mean, this is the biggest thing we've ever tried.
PizzaPaul says: Everyone's gathered here in CHI, they're looking up, around, they don't know what to expect!
Rockingranny says: I'm in CHI! I hitchhiked!
PizzaPaul says: Rockingranny, come hang out with me in the place we talked about near that thing with the whatever.
Rockingranny says: OK
BriDog72 says: Soon, Citizens for Batman will be a force heard round the world!
BriDog72 says: Are they packages on the way?
PizzaPaul says: Yes indeedy -- CHI packages on the way.
IndigoGrrrl says: NYC packages on the way.
IndigoGrrrl says: Here are some of our most loyal supporters here.
IndigoGrrrl says:

IndigoGrrrl says: And we have hundreds more just like them all gathered here
BriDog72 says: I have reports that undercover GPD officers are hiding in the crowd gathering intelligence
IndigoGrrrl says: I'll be on the lookout.
PizzaPaul says: There are a couple guys I was already suspicious of.
Rockingranny says: NOBODY'S ARRESTING ME!
IndigoGrrrl says: More people are coming, this is crazy
PizzaPaul says: Lots of people here in CHI...press is showing up too...news crews, cameras, all that jazz...we're famous!
PizzaPaul says: Coppers are here!
IndigoGrrrl says: COUNTDOWN ZERO -- NYC IS ON!
BriDog72 says: This is amazing!!!
PizzaPaul says: COUNTDOWN ZERO -- CHI IS ON!
DarkMatter10 says: We waited days for a video of a building?
BriDog72 says: Patience, My young friend.
PizzaPaul says: CHI here -- Packages have been delivered...They've found the lockbox...
IndigoGrrrl says: NYC -- lockbox found....
IndigoGrrrl says: Moving to position 3
IndigoGrrrl says: we're close here
IndigoGrrrl says: Any minute now, plan's going exactly to schedule
IndigoGrrrl says: Same here
PizzaPaul says: We're close, I can taste it it's so close,
IndigoGrrrl says:

IndigoGrrrl says: Here's what it looks like
IndigoGrrrl says: Approaching final position
IndigoGrrrl says:

BriDog72 says: Had to get those messages past the authorities
PizzaPaul says: Cops are on the scene, they're lookin mad
BriDog72 says: Easy guys. Keep your heads on straight. EVERYONE. Don't panic. We're at the most crucial phase.
IndigoGrrrl says:

IndigoGrrrl says: Third phase is continuing. Search is going on. CFB supporters here are spreading out...
BriDog72 says: Is roof location secured? We need the high ground, it's strategic necessity.
PizzaPaul says: Yes, roof is secured.
PizzaPaul says: We're close here in Chicago...
IndigoGrrrl says: NYC phase three completed
BriDog72 says: Whatever happens, I love you guys
IndigoGrrrl says: We're close here in NYC
[Note: At this point, two Batsignals began projecting onto the Woolworth Building and Sears Tower.]
IndigoGrrrl says: WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
BriDog72 says: INCREDIBLE!!!!
BriDog72 says: NYC is making Citizens for Batman a group that will go down in history!
DarkMatter10 says: WOW!!!!!! THIS IS AMAZING
BriDog72 says: I am so proud of all of you!
IndigoGrrrl says: Today, Everyone Who Sees That Signal is a Citizen for Batman!
IndigoGrrrl says: My view:
IndigoGrrrl says:

BriDog72 says: All I can say is: WOW
BriDog72 says: What's going on in Chicago?
PizzaPaul says: CHI needs to go dark for a while, we're gonna try to get back up within an hour
[Note: At this point, the Chicago Batsignal was turned off.]
BriDog72 says: Do what u need to do.
PizzaPaul says: It's off.
IndigoGrrrl says: This is unbelievable.
IndigoGrrrl says: People are crying it's so emotional
IndigoGrrrl says:

BriDog72 says: Now that's the spirit!!!!!
DarkMatter10 says: Wow. Now people are gonna RESPECT me when i wear my CFB t-shirt
BriDog72 says: City Hall will have to take notice here. This is huge. They can't treat us like some kind of fringe movement now. We are now to be reckoned with.
BriDog72 says: PIzzaPaul, call me, we gotta talk.
PizzaPaul says: OK.
x BriDog72 has left chat x
x PizzaPaul has left chat x
IndigoGrrrl says: I gotta say, NYC was a huge success. We struck a huge blow for Batman and for Gotham. I'm gonna go thank everyone on the ground. When we wake up tomorrow, it's gonna be a whole different world we wake up to! Cya guys!
DarkMatter10 says: bye Indigo Congrats!
x IndigoGrrrl has left chat x
x BriDog72 has entered chat x
x PizzaPaul has entered chat x
PizzaPaul says: Take a look at that guys
BriDog72 says: We're back up in Chicago and shining bright!
Rockingranny says: WOW! This is the cat's pajamas!
PizzaPaul says:

PizzaPaul says: Here's a shot of the scene in CHI
Rockingranny says: I have to take my pill -- it looks like it's moving!
Rockingranny says: There, that's better!
DarkMatter10 says: Guys they got a close-up of Chicago now it looks amazing amazing
[At this time the camera moves in closer]

BriDog72 says: Guys, this was the best night of my life. Two cities, two bat signals, two powerful symbols -- symbols of a movement that is just beginning. A movement to defend Batman. To protect Batman. To fight for Batman. Congratulations to everyone, and thanks to the hundreds of CFB supporters that came out to help us put it all together.
x BriDog72 has left chat x
x WWBD has left chat x
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x DarkMatter10 has left chat x
x Rockingranny has left chat x
x PizzaPaul has entered chat x
x IndigoGrrrl has entered chat x
PizzaPaul says: Turning off stream - here's a pic!

IndigoGrrrl says: NYC signing out!


New York

Next investigation: Rise of Brian Douglass
July 10, 2008
Upon the Joker's "overture," the live feed on Citizensforbatman.org was reactivated, showing the Batsignal being reprojected on the Woolworth Building and Sears Tower. It then turned into a "Joker signal," with HAHAHA's projected along with the symbol's shape.