The Gotham Times (issue 1)

In November 2007, the Joker introduced his followers to his target, Harvey Dent, by distributing copies of The Gotham Times to those who submitted photos to

The following articles (with summaries) in the first issue document Dent's rise as a crusading prosecutor, aiming to wipe out corruption within Gotham's police forces.

City At War

After Carmine Falcone was thrown out of power in 2006, various mob groups fought to gain control of the city, with innocent civilians caught in the crossfire.

Dent Tip Line Targets City's Dirty Cops, sponsored by Harvey Dent, was made available for ordinary Gotham citizens to report police officers engaging in corrupt activity.

Letters to the Editor

George Black of the Police Officers Associate of Gotham argues against Dent's mission of targeting corruption in the police force, and offers support to the cops who risk their lives every day. As an example, he names Detective Arnold Flass, who was severely debilitated following the Narrows Attack.

Look Out Gotham, Here Comes Harvey Dent!

Editorialist George Mazzala contemplates the media powerhouse that is the Dent PR machine.

Gang War Claims Girl

The tragic death of Gina Tortericci galvanized a city to take up arms against corruption, with Dent and his new tip line leading the charge.