Pasquale's Bistro wiretap
June 27, 2008
From a new email in Glenn Barhyte's account, Jim Gordon mentioned document MCU4735119 regarding the murders of "Stevie and Romeo." The document, found in the SID under Barhyte's login, was a wiretap from Pasquale's Bistro, where both men arrived at the bistro to pick up their "package" and were confronted by two other men from rival gangs.
Audio and transcript
Pasquale is likely the chef with the French accent.
Man C and D are likely goons from a rival gang, but probably have connections with the Joker.
[Dinnerware rattling throughout, as if recorded by the kitchen]
Pasquale: Jenny! Jenny! Why is every American girl named Jenny?
[Door opens]
A: Hello, gentlemen!
Pasquale: [ignoring them] What a silly name! Silly name in a silly country!
Waitress: We just had twelve of the fillets!
B: Hey, we're here for the envelope, man!
Waitress: We need one pistachio lamb and one pan scallop!
B: Are you listening?
[background chatter - "...here this morning!"]
A: I don't think you're listenin'!
Pasquale: Who taught you to saute a pork zat way?
[background chatter - "Are these hot potatoes?]
A: Who needs this?
[background chatter - "..whisky!" "...ridiculous!" "We have another special.."]
Pasquale: This is bull! You are not making a 'amburger!
[background chatter - "...take it easy, nobody speaks up."]
B: Ehhh, do what the boss wants.
Pasquale: You take, I give! Such is life!
[pan sizzles]
Pasquale: Are you trying to cook zat or cremate it?!
A: [as if on phone] Yeah, Maroni and the boss just called a truce. They're workin' together now.
B: Eh, screw this! [knocking a pan] Hello, hello? We're lookin' for an envelope we left here.
Customer: We're here for our take-out.
[door slams open, footsteps]
B: What the hell is this?!
[guns cock]
C: You don't know?
A: Know what?
D: It's baseball season!
A: NO!
[bat slams, sickening crunch]
Woman: Oh my God!
[body slams]
C: Let's wrap that order, boys! [ripping sound]
D: What a pair of zeros! [slam]
A: What is this? We got a truce!
D: [mockingly] Ohh, a truce! A truce? Oh! A truce! Well, we are so sorry! Gosh, a truce - well! That changes everything!
[another slam, dinnerware shatters]
C: Okay, let's get 'em outta here.
[bodies heard dragging on the floor]
Conclusions for GPD investigation
With the kidnapping and murder of mob money goons Romeo Camera and Steve Rosolio, it's likely that the Joker acquired information about the amount of money held at Gotham National Bank, facilitating the robbery that touched off his rampage across Gotham.
Before these events, GPD was looking into Gotham National Bank for mob involvement, and the murders of Camera and Rosolio obstructed the investigation for a short time. However, the investigation continued and GPD was on the verge of indicting all the mob banks, but ultimately was sidetracked by the Joker's terrorist acts.
Next in Joker investigations: Anti-Batman propaganda