Family emails
The following is email correspondence between Glenn Barhyte and family members, mainly his wife Cecilia. Links between email references have been added to facilitate our investigation.
About Work
FWD: Report Protocol
To: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Remember when I was telling you about Eugene, that new pencil pusher in the records department? Well, get a load of this e-mail he just sent me:
<<<<<<<From: department of records>
< Just a friendly reminder: make sure to use our new
< plastic-coated paperclips when fastening your weekly
< reports. They're easier on the hands and they brighten
< up the office, too!
< Thanks,
< Eugene Randall
Can you believe this guy? Get a life, buddy!
March 31, 2008
To: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Remember when I was telling you about Eugene, that new pencil pusher in the records department? Well, get a load of this e-mail he just sent me:
<<<<<<<From: department of records>
< Just a friendly reminder: make sure to use our new
< plastic-coated paperclips when fastening your weekly
< reports. They're easier on the hands and they brighten
< up the office, too!
< Thanks,
< Eugene Randall
Can you believe this guy? Get a life, buddy!
Lova ya, babe
To: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Just wanted to apologize because I won't be home until late tonight - got ssome business to do.
Stay sexy,
April 9, 2008
To: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Just wanted to apologize because I won't be home until late tonight - got ssome business to do.
Stay sexy,
FWD: Game Night
To: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
< Hey, gang (oops - I probably shouldn't use that term
< loosely, what with our line of work - JK!)
< It's time for another game night at my place. You
< bring the wine, I'll bring the fun. Get ready for some
< killer backgammon (there I go with the poor choice of
< words again!)
< --Melvin Finnigity
Don't worry - I already told him we can't make it. Oh, by the way, your mother's really "sick", in case anyone asks.
April 14, 2008
To: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
< Hey, gang (oops - I probably shouldn't use that term
< loosely, what with our line of work - JK!)
< It's time for another game night at my place. You
< bring the wine, I'll bring the fun. Get ready for some
< killer backgammon (there I go with the poor choice of
< words again!)
< --Melvin Finnigity
Don't worry - I already told him we can't make it. Oh, by the way, your mother's really "sick", in case anyone asks.
From: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Why did you cancel? I think an evening of Chinese Checkers and cheese fondue is just what you need.
Why did you cancel? I think an evening of Chinese Checkers and cheese fondue is just what you need.
To: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Well, then, why don't you go to Finn's house without me? I'm sure it'll be a blast.
Well, then, why don't you go to Finn's house without me? I'm sure it'll be a blast.
From: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Don't get smart with me, mister.
See you tonight,
Don't get smart with me, mister.
See you tonight,
Sorry honey
From: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
When I got home from work today, I found Burt tearing through the autographed copy of your favorite true-crime novel, "The Lieutenant's Way." Then, he threw up all over your vinyl collection. I cleaned up the mess the best I could, but I don't think any of those records will play anymore.
Love you,
April 1, 2008
From: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
When I got home from work today, I found Burt tearing through the autographed copy of your favorite true-crime novel, "The Lieutenant's Way." Then, he threw up all over your vinyl collection. I cleaned up the mess the best I could, but I don't think any of those records will play anymore.
Love you,
To: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
What? How did Burt get to the top shelf in my den? That book was irreplaceable. Damn mutt!
What? How did Burt get to the top shelf in my den? That book was irreplaceable. Damn mutt!
From: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Burt would never destroy your stuff - he's a good boy! Hope I didn't freak you out too bad.
(Still) Love you,
April 1, 2008
From: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Burt would never destroy your stuff - he's a good boy! Hope I didn't freak you out too bad.
(Still) Love you,
To: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Oh, geez. I can't believe I fell for that. Guess my mind's on other things. Good one, Cel.
Give Burt a sloppy, wet kiss for me.
Oh, geez. I can't believe I fell for that. Guess my mind's on other things. Good one, Cel.
Give Burt a sloppy, wet kiss for me.
Thanks so much son!
From: Greta Anne Barhyte
I can't believe you sent me a computer! I had your brother set it up and then he taught me email, so now I'm truly "with it" as you kids say. You are a fine son - thank you!
Glenn, I worry about you so. You know, the Henderson kids all got into nice professions. Georgie is a airline mechanic now and Francis sells insurance. Have you ever thought about selling insurance? Myra says he makes good money. I could put you in touch with Francis if you'd like.
I love you!
April 23, 2008
From: Greta Anne Barhyte
I can't believe you sent me a computer! I had your brother set it up and then he taught me email, so now I'm truly "with it" as you kids say. You are a fine son - thank you!
Glenn, I worry about you so. You know, the Henderson kids all got into nice professions. Georgie is a airline mechanic now and Francis sells insurance. Have you ever thought about selling insurance? Myra says he makes good money. I could put you in touch with Francis if you'd like.
I love you!
To: Mom
The Henderson kids are a bunch of morons. They couldn't scratch two nickels together to get a dime. You never used to believe what Myra told you, anyway. What's gotten into you?
Don't worry about me. I'm a desk jockey. The only injury I'm risking is carpal tunnel syndrome. And besides, I like putting away the bad guys.
Love ya, Mom
Your favorite son
The Henderson kids are a bunch of morons. They couldn't scratch two nickels together to get a dime. You never used to believe what Myra told you, anyway. What's gotten into you?
Don't worry about me. I'm a desk jockey. The only injury I'm risking is carpal tunnel syndrome. And besides, I like putting away the bad guys.
Love ya, Mom
Your favorite son
How do I get on the computer?
From: Mom
Glenn, this is your mother. How do I get on the computer? It's not working. I can't get on the computer. Please help.
April 27 2008
From: Mom
Glenn, this is your mother. How do I get on the computer? It's not working. I can't get on the computer. Please help.
From: Mom
Help! I lost all my web sites. What do I do?
June 9, 2008
From: Mom
Help! I lost all my web sites. What do I do?
To: Mom
You can't lose a web site. What do you mean exactly?
You can't lose a web site. What do you mean exactly?
From: Mom
I used to see my things on the side of the web and now they're gone and I can't go anywhere. Did I do something wrong? Also..the little blue man is gone!
I used to see my things on the side of the web and now they're gone and I can't go anywhere. Did I do something wrong? Also..the little blue man is gone!
To: Mom
I think you mean your bookmarks. Hold down the "shift" key on your keyboard and then press "m" one time. Let me know if that works.
I think you mean your bookmarks. Hold down the "shift" key on your keyboard and then press "m" one time. Let me know if that works.
From: Mom
You're a genius!
Love, Mom
You're a genius!
Love, Mom
To: Mom
I'll show you some more tricks when you're here.
I'll show you some more tricks when you're here.
Cup holder
From: Mom
Sorry to bother you at work. I think I broke the cup holder on my computer. I put a glass of tea in there and it broke off. The computer guy I called said it wasn't a cup holder, but I know it is. My neighbor Betty told me and her grandson works for Gizzle.
July 9, 2008
From: Mom
Sorry to bother you at work. I think I broke the cup holder on my computer. I put a glass of tea in there and it broke off. The computer guy I called said it wasn't a cup holder, but I know it is. My neighbor Betty told me and her grandson works for Gizzle.
New Mattress?
To: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Noticed that Feathers is having a sale on twin mattresses. The bed in the guestroom can really use a new one. Mom would like it when she visits. I'm going to stop in after work. We can charge it and pay the bill right away from my check next Friday. Want me to pick you up? We can get dinner after. You said you were having cravings for lobster and ice cream!
June 11, 2008
To: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Noticed that Feathers is having a sale on twin mattresses. The bed in the guestroom can really use a new one. Mom would like it when she visits. I'm going to stop in after work. We can charge it and pay the bill right away from my check next Friday. Want me to pick you up? We can get dinner after. You said you were having cravings for lobster and ice cream!
From: Cecelia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Sounds like a date. Did you notice if they have anything smaller on special?
Sounds like a date. Did you notice if they have anything smaller on special?
Intruder alert!
From: Cecelia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Maybe we should have paid attention on game night. Know how to batten down hatches? My mom's coming on the 22nd.
June 17, 2008
From: Cecelia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Maybe we should have paid attention on game night. Know how to batten down hatches? My mom's coming on the 22nd.
Lunchtime mandate
From: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Mom's busy working in the guest room. I'm sneaking out and meeting you for lunch. You are not allowed to say "no." See you at the usual.
June 25, 2008
From: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Mom's busy working in the guest room. I'm sneaking out and meeting you for lunch. You are not allowed to say "no." See you at the usual.
Free! Free! Free!
From: Cecelia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Just got back from dropping mom off at the airport. Always kind of sad to say "goodbye" despite the constant torture. I admit, it felt good having her around the past week. I'll miss her.
June 27, 2008
From: Cecelia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Just got back from dropping mom off at the airport. Always kind of sad to say "goodbye" despite the constant torture. I admit, it felt good having her around the past week. I'll miss her.
Before Notaro hostage situation
Hey hon
To: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
I got a funny feeling about this case I'm working on. Do me a favor and stay out of Little Italy today, alright?
Love you,
April 13, 2008
To: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
I got a funny feeling about this case I'm working on. Do me a favor and stay out of Little Italy today, alright?
Love you,
From: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Why would I go into Little Italy? Are you OK? Call me, weirdo.
Love you back,
Why would I go into Little Italy? Are you OK? Call me, weirdo.
Love you back,
Glenn's health
Checking in
From: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Did you take your heart medication this morning? If the answer is no, then I'm going to meet you for lunch and bring you those "damn pills" (as you call them).
--Your favorite wife
April 11, 2008
From: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Did you take your heart medication this morning? If the answer is no, then I'm going to meet you for lunch and bring you those "damn pills" (as you call them).
--Your favorite wife
To: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
As much as I'd love to have lunch with you, I already took my meds and I'm booked all afternoon with appointments. When did I call them "damn pills?" You must be thinking of someone else.
As much as I'd love to have lunch with you, I already took my meds and I'm booked all afternoon with appointments. When did I call them "damn pills?" You must be thinking of someone else.
You went to the ER?
From: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
The doctor's office just called and said they had the results of your test from your ER visit last week. You went to the ER without telling me? It's hard enough being the wife of a cop without worrying myself about that little heart condition of yours. TALK TO ME!
April 16, 2008
From: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
The doctor's office just called and said they had the results of your test from your ER visit last week. You went to the ER without telling me? It's hard enough being the wife of a cop without worrying myself about that little heart condition of yours. TALK TO ME!
To: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Honey, don't get all upset about this, but I did go to the hospital on Sunday (was just a little off, no big deal). They changed my dosage and I'm feeling 100% better. I'm going to let you cool off for a bit and then I'm going to call you after my meeting and we'll talk about this rationally.
By the way, it's not like I'm a beat cop, dodging bullets every day. I work in an office (very exciting) - don't get all gloom and doom on me, OK?
Love you, love you, love you (I suck up pretty well, huh?)
Honey, don't get all upset about this, but I did go to the hospital on Sunday (was just a little off, no big deal). They changed my dosage and I'm feeling 100% better. I'm going to let you cool off for a bit and then I'm going to call you after my meeting and we'll talk about this rationally.
By the way, it's not like I'm a beat cop, dodging bullets every day. I work in an office (very exciting) - don't get all gloom and doom on me, OK?
Love you, love you, love you (I suck up pretty well, huh?)
From: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
OK, this time I know you forgot to take your heart pills. I tied a small thread to the medicine cabinet and, wouldn't you know it, the thread was unbroken when I checked it!
So, I'm coming to your office for lunch - that's a threat.
April 21, 2008
From: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
OK, this time I know you forgot to take your heart pills. I tied a small thread to the medicine cabinet and, wouldn't you know it, the thread was unbroken when I checked it!
So, I'm coming to your office for lunch - that's a threat.
To: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Wow, looks like we have another detective in the family. Thread on the medicine cabinet? You've lost it, sweetie. Lunch will be great - see you then.
Wow, looks like we have another detective in the family. Thread on the medicine cabinet? You've lost it, sweetie. Lunch will be great - see you then.
FWD: RE: Possible Consultation
To: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Cel - get a load of this touchy-feely quack. She sent me the following message about tomorrow's session. I can already tell this won't last long... or, maybe she'll hypnotize me and turn me into a shaman dream warrior - who knows?
< < Glenn, I'm so happy you changed your mind about
< using my services. I'm looking forward to meeting
< with you tomorrow so that you can clear your mind,
< search your soul and discuss whatever's bothering
< you. Remember: everything you share with me is
< strictly confidential.
< All the best,
< Dr. Zelda
May 1, 2008
To: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Cel - get a load of this touchy-feely quack. She sent me the following message about tomorrow's session. I can already tell this won't last long... or, maybe she'll hypnotize me and turn me into a shaman dream warrior - who knows?
< < Glenn, I'm so happy you changed your mind about
< using my services. I'm looking forward to meeting
< with you tomorrow so that you can clear your mind,
< search your soul and discuss whatever's bothering
< you. Remember: everything you share with me is
< strictly confidential.
< All the best,
< Dr. Zelda
From: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Keep an open mind, grumpo. There's no use in seeing a shrink if you don't listen to what she has to say. Besides, what are you afraid of? You think she's going to diagnose you as a nutjob? I could save her some time - I ALREADY KNOW YOU'RE LOOPY!
Stay weird,
Keep an open mind, grumpo. There's no use in seeing a shrink if you don't listen to what she has to say. Besides, what are you afraid of? You think she's going to diagnose you as a nutjob? I could save her some time - I ALREADY KNOW YOU'RE LOOPY!
Stay weird,
MCU work
RE: Honey?
To: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Hey, Cel, baby - still not talking to me?
May 21, 2008
To: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Hey, Cel, baby - still not talking to me?
From: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
To: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Look, I'm sorry I dumped this news on you last night, but I haven't been happy as a pencil-pusher for years - you know that. Major Crimes is exactly where I need to be to do the most good for this city. I'll be fine. Haven't I always taken care of you and Burt? I'd never do anything to jeopardize my life or my family. Call me?
--Your favorite husband
Look, I'm sorry I dumped this news on you last night, but I haven't been happy as a pencil-pusher for years - you know that. Major Crimes is exactly where I need to be to do the most good for this city. I'll be fine. Haven't I always taken care of you and Burt? I'd never do anything to jeopardize my life or my family. Call me?
--Your favorite husband
From: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Just for the record, Burt's not talking to you either, and it's not just because he's a dog.
--Your angry wife
Just for the record, Burt's not talking to you either, and it's not just because he's a dog.
--Your angry wife
To: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
I knew you couldn't stay mad at me. Rub Burt's belly for me.
Love ya,
I knew you couldn't stay mad at me. Rub Burt's belly for me.
Love ya,
FWD: Welcome
To: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
I just got this e-mail from the big cheese. Not too shabby, eh?
--Glenn Barhyte, rock star
< < Detective Barhyte,
< I've been hearing great things about our newest
< crackerjack in MCU and I wanted to extend my
< warmest greetings. It's going to be an uphill battle, but
< we're finally assembling the right team to investigate
< this money laundering plague, bust it up and make
< Gotham that much safer.
< Looking forward to working with you,
< --Lt. Gordon
June 3, 2008
To: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
I just got this e-mail from the big cheese. Not too shabby, eh?
--Glenn Barhyte, rock star
< < Detective Barhyte,
< I've been hearing great things about our newest
< crackerjack in MCU and I wanted to extend my
< warmest greetings. It's going to be an uphill battle, but
< we're finally assembling the right team to investigate
< this money laundering plague, bust it up and make
< Gotham that much safer.
< Looking forward to working with you,
< --Lt. Gordon
From: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Congrats darling! An email from the boss, let's frame it! I knew I made the right decision not marrying Richie. Who cares if he's got three homes? I've got you babe.
Sorry I didn't reply sooner - I woke up sick to my stomach today. Maybe it was the conversation about your Mom coming to visit...JUST KIDDING!
-- Me
Congrats darling! An email from the boss, let's frame it! I knew I made the right decision not marrying Richie. Who cares if he's got three homes? I've got you babe.
Sorry I didn't reply sooner - I woke up sick to my stomach today. Maybe it was the conversation about your Mom coming to visit...JUST KIDDING!
-- Me
You Are So Cool
From: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Hey Sexy - Just wanted to congratulate you on the first day of your new job! I knew you were going places. I love you, tiger. How's it goin?
June 9, 2008
From: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Hey Sexy - Just wanted to congratulate you on the first day of your new job! I knew you were going places. I love you, tiger. How's it goin?
To: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Hey! The job is going ok - the first hour was bone-chillingly intense. Just kidding. Everyone seems to be pretty cool, and I've met a couple of the people I'll be working the narcotics beat with - they're pretty hardcore. Actually I'm pretty excited - not as excited as when we play twister, but almost!
Hey! The job is going ok - the first hour was bone-chillingly intense. Just kidding. Everyone seems to be pretty cool, and I've met a couple of the people I'll be working the narcotics beat with - they're pretty hardcore. Actually I'm pretty excited - not as excited as when we play twister, but almost!
To: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Mark your calendar, hun. We're being knighted or something.
June 9, 2008
To: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Mark your calendar, hun. We're being knighted or something.
Coffee and more coffee
To: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Just got in. Can't remember the last time I crawled into the office this early but since I couldn't sleep with all that noise, I figured I'd get a jump on the casework today.
Hope you don't see this until a more reasonable hour. How you slept through that noise I'll never know.
June 30, 2008
To: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Just got in. Can't remember the last time I crawled into the office this early but since I couldn't sleep with all that noise, I figured I'd get a jump on the casework today.
Hope you don't see this until a more reasonable hour. How you slept through that noise I'll never know.
Atoz moves in
So unbelievably sorry
From: Atoz
Dear Glenn,
I don't know what to say. I feel like such a loser. I always end up doing stuff like that and I don't know why. I've always been this way, I guess.
I had no idea you just oiled that jacket. It wouldn't have mattered if I just brought something from Bob's, but I had to go and make flaming baked Alaska! I mean, who eats flaming baked Alaska, right?
Again, I'm really sorry. Can you forgive me? I'll get you a new jacket. I promise. You said it's irreplaceable but I believe anything is possible if you stick to it.
June 20, 2008
From: Atoz
Dear Glenn,
I don't know what to say. I feel like such a loser. I always end up doing stuff like that and I don't know why. I've always been this way, I guess.
I had no idea you just oiled that jacket. It wouldn't have mattered if I just brought something from Bob's, but I had to go and make flaming baked Alaska! I mean, who eats flaming baked Alaska, right?
Again, I'm really sorry. Can you forgive me? I'll get you a new jacket. I promise. You said it's irreplaceable but I believe anything is possible if you stick to it.
From: Cecelia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Heard some more about last night. Don't be too hard on the kid. He means well, though I know how much that jacket meant to you. Any idea if your dad got that in the service or here in town? Doubt that store would still exist. There was an insignia stitched under the left lapel, right?
Bet you're looking forward to Sunday. Oh boy - all the hard candy we can eat!
June 20, 2008
From: Cecelia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Heard some more about last night. Don't be too hard on the kid. He means well, though I know how much that jacket meant to you. Any idea if your dad got that in the service or here in town? Doubt that store would still exist. There was an insignia stitched under the left lapel, right?
Bet you're looking forward to Sunday. Oh boy - all the hard candy we can eat!
To: Cecelia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
I hate hard candy.
I hate hard candy.
Thank you both
To: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
I still can't get over how you two found that jacket! You must have gone to every used clothing place in town. I was wondering why Cecelia didn't go with me to pick up her mom on Sunday.
This really means a lot to me. Dad and all. Thanks.
P.S. - I'm a little worried that you too are conspiring behind my back (even if it is to pull off very appreciated surprises like this jacket scheme). Should I be suspecting an affair? If so, hands off! That goes for you, too, Atoz.
--Still Glenn
June 25, 2008
To: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
I still can't get over how you two found that jacket! You must have gone to every used clothing place in town. I was wondering why Cecelia didn't go with me to pick up her mom on Sunday.
This really means a lot to me. Dad and all. Thanks.
P.S. - I'm a little worried that you too are conspiring behind my back (even if it is to pull off very appreciated surprises like this jacket scheme). Should I be suspecting an affair? If so, hands off! That goes for you, too, Atoz.
--Still Glenn
From: Atoz
I know it's not your dad's jacket, but I hope you enjoy the "new" one. The sales lady said it's the same kind as your dad's - was made by a long gone Gotham company.
Still feeling bad about burning up the original, though. This is the least I could do, especially since you're giving me some pointers for the exam on Saturday.
I know it's not your dad's jacket, but I hope you enjoy the "new" one. The sales lady said it's the same kind as your dad's - was made by a long gone Gotham company.
Still feeling bad about burning up the original, though. This is the least I could do, especially since you're giving me some pointers for the exam on Saturday.
Bought you earplugs
From: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Don't be grumpy. You're very sweet for letting him stay with us for a while.
Sometimes couples go through these things. They think they're growing apart when they're really just changing as people. It can create stress I'm sure. Not that I know from my own experience, so don't go thinking that, mister policeman.
I guess for them it's coming down to wanting different things. He seems really confused right now, and with the exam not happening I think they're both seeing their futures in different lights. They just need some time to sort through this stuff. Who knows? I'm sure we don't know the whole story. Maybe something else is going on that we don't know about. You never know what happens behind other peoples' closed doors.
I know you didn't want him here after mom just left, but it's the right thing to do. I wouldn't lead you astray.... well... maybe a little astray.
June 30, 2008
From: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Don't be grumpy. You're very sweet for letting him stay with us for a while.
Sometimes couples go through these things. They think they're growing apart when they're really just changing as people. It can create stress I'm sure. Not that I know from my own experience, so don't go thinking that, mister policeman.
I guess for them it's coming down to wanting different things. He seems really confused right now, and with the exam not happening I think they're both seeing their futures in different lights. They just need some time to sort through this stuff. Who knows? I'm sure we don't know the whole story. Maybe something else is going on that we don't know about. You never know what happens behind other peoples' closed doors.
I know you didn't want him here after mom just left, but it's the right thing to do. I wouldn't lead you astray.... well... maybe a little astray.
Skin tight Barhyte
To: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Know what that is? That's what everyone is calling me!
Isn't it bad enough I pulled the July 4 shift for the third year in a row?
First, he clips his nails all over the kitchen floor, then he's always on the computer, and now he "does me a favor" by shrinking my uniform two sizes!? There's a reason it says "dry clean only"!!!!
July 1, 2008
To: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Know what that is? That's what everyone is calling me!
Isn't it bad enough I pulled the July 4 shift for the third year in a row?
First, he clips his nails all over the kitchen floor, then he's always on the computer, and now he "does me a favor" by shrinking my uniform two sizes!? There's a reason it says "dry clean only"!!!!
Tooth Fairy Chronicles
From: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
What was that this morning? He didn't mean to use your toothbrush. But, you didn't have to throw it at him... with a fresh glob of toothpaste on it... that's now all over my couch (notice how it's not YOUR couch anymore?)
Keep the old temper in check, sweetums - I don't want any more heart murmur scares. I've had enough to last me two lifetimes.
-The light of your freakin' life
July 1, 2008
From: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
What was that this morning? He didn't mean to use your toothbrush. But, you didn't have to throw it at him... with a fresh glob of toothpaste on it... that's now all over my couch (notice how it's not YOUR couch anymore?)
Keep the old temper in check, sweetums - I don't want any more heart murmur scares. I've had enough to last me two lifetimes.
-The light of your freakin' life
I'll pay for it, I swear
From: Atoz
Um... I don't even know how to get started. I'm really, really, really, really sorry about your TV. I saw the gun maintenance memo and thought I'd do something nice for you since you were stuck late. I was cleaning it and it just went off. I swear. It wasn't my fault. I don't know how it happened.
Hey... on the upside, the set still turns on and gets sound... that's something, right? You can listen to TV until I can scrape together the money to replace it. I will replace it. You can count on me. I'll make this right.
Don't think my wife was too glad to see me home last night, but I understand if you've had enough of me all week. I think I would have thrown myself out if the shoe was on the other foot.
July 2, 2008
From: Atoz
Um... I don't even know how to get started. I'm really, really, really, really sorry about your TV. I saw the gun maintenance memo and thought I'd do something nice for you since you were stuck late. I was cleaning it and it just went off. I swear. It wasn't my fault. I don't know how it happened.
Hey... on the upside, the set still turns on and gets sound... that's something, right? You can listen to TV until I can scrape together the money to replace it. I will replace it. You can count on me. I'll make this right.
Don't think my wife was too glad to see me home last night, but I understand if you've had enough of me all week. I think I would have thrown myself out if the shoe was on the other foot.
To: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
I hated having to come in early again with you still not feeling well. Maybe you should call the doctor?
July 3, 2008
To: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
I hated having to come in early again with you still not feeling well. Maybe you should call the doctor?
From: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
It's sweet that you worry, but I'll be fine. I'm sure it's nothing. I just need to catch up on some sleep. You know how much I hate doctors.
Wish you didn't have to work this weekend. Miss you.
It's sweet that you worry, but I'll be fine. I'm sure it's nothing. I just need to catch up on some sleep. You know how much I hate doctors.
Wish you didn't have to work this weekend. Miss you.
Great news
To: Atoz
I can't thank you enough. If you weren't here to get the phone who knows what would have happened. I could have lost them both. I can't even think about it. You really came through, man. I'll never forget this. Never.
Right now the doctors say everything's fine with Cecilia and the baby but they're keeping her overnight just in case.
July 3, 2008
To: Atoz
I can't thank you enough. If you weren't here to get the phone who knows what would have happened. I could have lost them both. I can't even think about it. You really came through, man. I'll never forget this. Never.
Right now the doctors say everything's fine with Cecilia and the baby but they're keeping her overnight just in case.
s/he's kicking!
From: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
I felt the baby kick again! Or it was that bad Chinese food, I can't figure it out.
Know what I think? I think I can't wait for you to get home and curl up with me.
Love and kisses, The little lady waiting for you at home
July 8, 2008
From: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
I felt the baby kick again! Or it was that bad Chinese food, I can't figure it out.
Know what I think? I think I can't wait for you to get home and curl up with me.
Love and kisses, The little lady waiting for you at home
Wed, July 9th
Another late one
To: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
It never stops. Won't be able to pick up dinner tonight. Have something to take care of. Should be home in time for the show. Have the popcorn waiting.
Love ya
July 9, 2008
To: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
It never stops. Won't be able to pick up dinner tonight. Have something to take care of. Should be home in time for the show. Have the popcorn waiting.
Love ya
From: Cecilia "Sugarpants" Barhyte
Aww! :( OK sweetie, see ya tonight...
I love you too!
Aww! :( OK sweetie, see ya tonight...
I love you too!
From: Mom
Glenn? I haven't heard back. It's not like you. Is everything OK, honey?
July 10, 2008
From: Mom
Glenn? I haven't heard back. It's not like you. Is everything OK, honey?
Note: Glenn Barhyte died early Thursday, July 10th, from wounds received during a CFB raid on a group of drug dealers the night of July 9th.