IA work emails
The following is email correspondence between Glenn Barhyte and fellow officers in the Internal Affairs Department. Links between email references have been added to facilitate our investigation.
The Slatt Man
Meeting postponed
From: The Slatt Man
This afternoon's meeting has been moved to tomorrow morning, 8am. Make sure you know your trial schedule for the upcoming month so that we can coordinate ourselves and update the calendar (Cindy told me to tell you all that).
See you then,
--Kevin Slatteronsky
April 10, 2008
From: The Slatt Man
This afternoon's meeting has been moved to tomorrow morning, 8am. Make sure you know your trial schedule for the upcoming month so that we can coordinate ourselves and update the calendar (Cindy told me to tell you all that).
See you then,
--Kevin Slatteronsky
To: The Slatt Man
Guess we know who wears the pants in THAT office. Tell Cindy to stop whipping you so hard.
Guess we know who wears the pants in THAT office. Tell Cindy to stop whipping you so hard.
Goin' Crazy - Want To Come?
To: The Slatt Man
Hey, Kev. I started seeing that headshrinker after all. Thanks for the recommendation. I don't know if it's doing any good (I'm not really the self-analyzing type), but it can't hurt to try a few more sessions, right? BTW, you want to get some drinks tomorrow night? I have something I want to run by you. Thanks.
May 7, 2008
To: The Slatt Man
Hey, Kev. I started seeing that headshrinker after all. Thanks for the recommendation. I don't know if it's doing any good (I'm not really the self-analyzing type), but it can't hurt to try a few more sessions, right? BTW, you want to get some drinks tomorrow night? I have something I want to run by you. Thanks.
From: The Slatt Man
Yeah, drinks would be cool. Everything OK?
Yeah, drinks would be cool. Everything OK?
Goodbye, cruel world
To: The Slatt Man
It's over. I can't take it anymore. Now that I'm leaving, I can be honest. I've never liked you Slatts. Never. I just used you. I'm sorry I had to end it this way, but that's the way the cookie crumbles. Don't call me.
June 6, 2008
To: The Slatt Man
It's over. I can't take it anymore. Now that I'm leaving, I can be honest. I've never liked you Slatts. Never. I just used you. I'm sorry I had to end it this way, but that's the way the cookie crumbles. Don't call me.
From: The Slatt Man
You can't get rid of me that easy, buddy. Who else is going to lose all that money to me every week? You paid for my kid's braces! And then there's his college tuition. Nope, we'll be seeing a lot more of each other. Remember, Internal Affairs sees all! Good luck, buddy. Don't forget about the little people.
-- Slatteronsky
You can't get rid of me that easy, buddy. Who else is going to lose all that money to me every week? You paid for my kid's braces! And then there's his college tuition. Nope, we'll be seeing a lot more of each other. Remember, Internal Affairs sees all! Good luck, buddy. Don't forget about the little people.
-- Slatteronsky
Come one, come all!
From: Mel Finn
Hereye, hereye. Save yer Friday night! One night, and one night only, the Finnigity residence plays host for a rousing evening of Conquest: The Medieval Edition.
Notice to Glenn Barhyte: no excuses this time!!!
June 9, 2008
From: Mel Finn
Hereye, hereye. Save yer Friday night! One night, and one night only, the Finnigity residence plays host for a rousing evening of Conquest: The Medieval Edition.
Notice to Glenn Barhyte: no excuses this time!!!
To: Mel Finn
Alright. No excuses.
Alright. No excuses.
To: Mel Finn
I think Cecilia is going to divorce me unless I give her a little old Barhyte-style date night, if you know what I mean. If. You. Know. What. I. Mean. We'll catch up to you in the 20th century, okay? Thanks for a great night, too. Was that super-thick ale or barley soup?
June 16, 2008
I think Cecilia is going to divorce me unless I give her a little old Barhyte-style date night, if you know what I mean. If. You. Know. What. I. Mean. We'll catch up to you in the 20th century, okay? Thanks for a great night, too. Was that super-thick ale or barley soup?
Just wondering
From: Slatt Man
What are you wearing right now?
June 16, 2008
From: Slatt Man
What are you wearing right now?
To: The Slatt Man
Pink bloomers and a suede tophat.
Pink bloomers and a suede tophat.
From: The Slatt Man
told you
To: The Slatt Man
see the game last night? Is that why you've been avoiding me? I won't be ignored, Slatts. PAY UP!!!
by the way... it looked GREAT on the LCD Cecelia gave me Sunday.
PS: PAY UP!!!!!
June 18, 2008
To: The Slatt Man
see the game last night? Is that why you've been avoiding me? I won't be ignored, Slatts. PAY UP!!!
by the way... it looked GREAT on the LCD Cecelia gave me Sunday.
PS: PAY UP!!!!!
Got the files
From: The Slatt Man
Pulled everything I got on The Chechen like you asked for. Maybe you can send your new bff to come get them.
June 26, 2008
From: The Slatt Man
Pulled everything I got on The Chechen like you asked for. Maybe you can send your new bff to come get them.
To: The Slatt Man
Thanks for the files. I'm pretty sure they're the ringleaders on this thing Gordon has me on.
I want to talk to you about it offline. This thing is getting big. I gotta tell you, this is why I came to MCU. Gordon's getting the job done here.
Thanks for the files. I'm pretty sure they're the ringleaders on this thing Gordon has me on.
I want to talk to you about it offline. This thing is getting big. I gotta tell you, this is why I came to MCU. Gordon's getting the job done here.
revenge will be sweet
To: The Slatt Man
It's your friendly reminder: get to the ATM machine now and press the "all of it" button. When you only get one night out, you gotta make it count and you're going down like the Hindenburg. You're going down like the stock market in 1929. You get the idea.
Really need this... I love Cecilia's mom, but I love a lot of things that are bad for me.
June 26, 2008
To: The Slatt Man
It's your friendly reminder: get to the ATM machine now and press the "all of it" button. When you only get one night out, you gotta make it count and you're going down like the Hindenburg. You're going down like the stock market in 1929. You get the idea.
Really need this... I love Cecilia's mom, but I love a lot of things that are bad for me.
From: The Slatt Man
Nix on poker, dude. Parent/teacher night at the kids schools. No one's around.
Hoist some cold ones for me - and I ain't talking about your mother in law, either - ZING!
Still got it,
--The Slattster
Nix on poker, dude. Parent/teacher night at the kids schools. No one's around.
Hoist some cold ones for me - and I ain't talking about your mother in law, either - ZING!
Still got it,
--The Slattster
Not funny
To: The Slatt Man
I didn't know that accepting a free lunch from you meant I had to serve as your personal comedian. Nothing I told you about my living nightmare at home this week was funny.
And next time you offer to buy lunch, maybe something a little better then a bag of peanuts and water from the fountaina visit to "Pedro's Dirty Taco Stand," you cheapo.
July 2, 2008
To: The Slatt Man
I didn't know that accepting a free lunch from you meant I had to serve as your personal comedian. Nothing I told you about my living nightmare at home this week was funny.
And next time you offer to buy lunch, maybe something a little better then a bag of peanuts and water from the fountaina visit to "Pedro's Dirty Taco Stand," you cheapo.
From: The Slatt Man
How could you dis Pedro's? Their burritos weigh 2 pounds!
You've got less taste than used bubble gum, GB.
-KS (I'm trying out the whole initials thing - pretty "fresh" eh?)
How could you dis Pedro's? Their burritos weigh 2 pounds!
You've got less taste than used bubble gum, GB.
-KS (I'm trying out the whole initials thing - pretty "fresh" eh?)
Sunday genius
To: The Slatt Man
Just had the greatest stroke of genius ever. Me and Atoz had some work to do around the office today. So I'm leafing through these old case files and I'm looking at this snapshot of a baby's room (let's not dwell on the fact that it was a baby's room in a crack den) and it totally dawned on me that I could do way better.
I've always been pretty handy and I have all these ideas. I'm totally going to surprise Cecilia with this. I'm thinking about a total baby paradise here. Stars on the ceiling. Toys everywhere. Mobiles. Cartoon characters on the walls. The works. You know how much of a worrier Cecilia is so I'm even going to put in a little camera and microphone so she can monitor the kid 24/7... even from her cell phone!
I'm looking online now for someone who can help put all this together. It's first-class all the way.
July 6, 2008
To: The Slatt Man
Just had the greatest stroke of genius ever. Me and Atoz had some work to do around the office today. So I'm leafing through these old case files and I'm looking at this snapshot of a baby's room (let's not dwell on the fact that it was a baby's room in a crack den) and it totally dawned on me that I could do way better.
I've always been pretty handy and I have all these ideas. I'm totally going to surprise Cecilia with this. I'm thinking about a total baby paradise here. Stars on the ceiling. Toys everywhere. Mobiles. Cartoon characters on the walls. The works. You know how much of a worrier Cecilia is so I'm even going to put in a little camera and microphone so she can monitor the kid 24/7... even from her cell phone!
I'm looking online now for someone who can help put all this together. It's first-class all the way.
From: The Slatt Man
Wow, you went from zero to geeked-out dad in 2.4 seconds. Slow down - before long, you'll be wearing socks and sandals, driving your minivan to soccer tryouts and yelling at the TV for playing those loud rock videos.
At least I can always say, "I knew him back when he was cool..."
Just busting your chops, pops - of course I'll help with the little rugrat's romper room.
-Slatt's That (sweet new nickname, huh?)
Wow, you went from zero to geeked-out dad in 2.4 seconds. Slow down - before long, you'll be wearing socks and sandals, driving your minivan to soccer tryouts and yelling at the TV for playing those loud rock videos.
At least I can always say, "I knew him back when he was cool..."
Just busting your chops, pops - of course I'll help with the little rugrat's romper room.
-Slatt's That (sweet new nickname, huh?)
Baby room
To: The Slatt Man
Been thinking a lot about fatherhood lately. I'm meeting with a vendor tomorrow to look at some stuff for the baby room.
July 8, 2008
To: The Slatt Man
Been thinking a lot about fatherhood lately. I'm meeting with a vendor tomorrow to look at some stuff for the baby room.
Poker night blowout
From: The Slatt Man
Wait till you check out the new poker table on Thursday. I got a new set of chips and a picture of dogs playing poker. You'll love it. They're dogs... and they're playing poker! Speaking of which, bring Atoz. Love that guy.
Oh, yeah -- and don't feel bad about getting mushy in your last e-mail. You're about to be a parent -- it's natural to get that way. Plus, your baby will be pleased to learn that he has two mommies! (I couldn't help it - had to take you down a peg, buddy).
Rock on,
July 8, 2008
From: The Slatt Man
Wait till you check out the new poker table on Thursday. I got a new set of chips and a picture of dogs playing poker. You'll love it. They're dogs... and they're playing poker! Speaking of which, bring Atoz. Love that guy.
Oh, yeah -- and don't feel bad about getting mushy in your last e-mail. You're about to be a parent -- it's natural to get that way. Plus, your baby will be pleased to learn that he has two mommies! (I couldn't help it - had to take you down a peg, buddy).
Rock on,
Report Protocol
From: Department of Records
Just a friendly reminder: make sure to use our new plastic-coated paperclips when fastening your weekly reports. They're easier on the hands and they brighten up the office, too!
Eugene Randall
March 31, 2008
From: Department of Records
Just a friendly reminder: make sure to use our new plastic-coated paperclips when fastening your weekly reports. They're easier on the hands and they brighten up the office, too!
Eugene Randall
Softball game
From: Jason Arguellino-Diaz
This Saturday is our annual softball game between internal affairs and the homicide division - IT'S GONNA BE MURDER! Where: Gotham Park, When: 3pm, Why: To teach those mugs who's boss.
Jason Arguellino-Diaz
April 7, 2008
From: Jason Arguellino-Diaz
This Saturday is our annual softball game between internal affairs and the homicide division - IT'S GONNA BE MURDER! Where: Gotham Park, When: 3pm, Why: To teach those mugs who's boss.
Jason Arguellino-Diaz
To: Jason Arguellino-Diaz
Hey, Diaz - you gonna catch those easy pop flies this time? Otherwise, what's the point of showing up? Oh, right, the beer - I forgot.
Just bustin' your chops
Hey, Diaz - you gonna catch those easy pop flies this time? Otherwise, what's the point of showing up? Oh, right, the beer - I forgot.
Just bustin' your chops
New Webmail security measures
From: Graham Jallardo
I know that we've been having some problems with hackers on this e-mail system, but I've worked out the bugs and everything should be running smoothly now. Remember: don't give your password to anybody - not even family members.
Sorry for any past inconveniences,
--Graham Jallardo, GPD technical support
April 8, 2008
From: Graham Jallardo
I know that we've been having some problems with hackers on this e-mail system, but I've worked out the bugs and everything should be running smoothly now. Remember: don't give your password to anybody - not even family members.
Sorry for any past inconveniences,
--Graham Jallardo, GPD technical support
Game Night
From: Mel Finn
Hey, gang (oops -- I probably shouldn't use that term loosely, what with our line of work -- JK!)
It's time for another game night at my place. You bring the wine, I'll bring the fun. Get ready for some killer backgammon (there I go with the poor choice of words again!)
How does next week look for everyone? Hit me back with your time constraints.
--Melvin Finnigity
April 14, 2008
From: Mel Finn
Hey, gang (oops -- I probably shouldn't use that term loosely, what with our line of work -- JK!)
It's time for another game night at my place. You bring the wine, I'll bring the fun. Get ready for some killer backgammon (there I go with the poor choice of words again!)
How does next week look for everyone? Hit me back with your time constraints.
--Melvin Finnigity
To: Mel Finn
Hey, Finn - sorry, but we won't be able to make it to game night because Cecilia's mom is really sick. We're probably going to visit her next week.
Have fun, though.
Hey, Finn - sorry, but we won't be able to make it to game night because Cecilia's mom is really sick. We're probably going to visit her next week.
Have fun, though.
To: Mel Finn
Hey, Melvin - how was game night? Sorry we couldn't make it, but we'll be there next time, for sure. WARNING: I am one vicious Pai Gow fiend.
April 22, 2008
Hey, Melvin - how was game night? Sorry we couldn't make it, but we'll be there next time, for sure. WARNING: I am one vicious Pai Gow fiend.
SPAM Filters
From: Administrator
Several webmail users have been complaining about the SPAM in their account, but that shouldn't be happening. Make sure you have your filter on and let me repeat: DON'T GIVE OUT YOUR PASSWORD!
--Graham Jallardo, GPD technical support
April 15, 2008
From: Administrator
Several webmail users have been complaining about the SPAM in their account, but that shouldn't be happening. Make sure you have your filter on and let me repeat: DON'T GIVE OUT YOUR PASSWORD!
--Graham Jallardo, GPD technical support
To: department of records
As per our meeting this afternoon, I am revising last month's interrogation log according to the new filing system.
Sorry, won't happen again.
--Glenn Barhyte
April 16, 2008
To: department of records
As per our meeting this afternoon, I am revising last month's interrogation log according to the new filing system.
Sorry, won't happen again.
--Glenn Barhyte
From: Eugene Randall
Thanks, Glenn. Your cooperation is always appreciated.
Eugene Randall
Thanks, Glenn. Your cooperation is always appreciated.
Eugene Randall
Time to cough up, boys
From: Sylvio Annavariano
Hey boys. This is Sylvio, head of the Gotham Police Union. Your loyal servant. We're all fighting right now for the Gotham Police salary raise proposition on the June ballot. But we also got to help out a friend. Roger Garcetti, the esteemed District Attorney, needs money. I KNOW that you guys will help out his campaign with, say, 1% of your salary. That's $300 if you're makin 30 thou guys, and so on. We will be checking with the campaign to make sure it all works out.
Thanks guys.
Sylvio President, Gotham Police Union
April 22, 2008
From: Sylvio Annavariano
Hey boys. This is Sylvio, head of the Gotham Police Union. Your loyal servant. We're all fighting right now for the Gotham Police salary raise proposition on the June ballot. But we also got to help out a friend. Roger Garcetti, the esteemed District Attorney, needs money. I KNOW that you guys will help out his campaign with, say, 1% of your salary. That's $300 if you're makin 30 thou guys, and so on. We will be checking with the campaign to make sure it all works out.
Thanks guys.
Sylvio President, Gotham Police Union
Email Problems?
To: Administrator
Hey Graham, I've been experiencing some weird email problems. Sometimes I can't access my email, or it takes a long time to send stuff. Could anything be wrong? Security problems, remote access, whatever? I dunno the lingo but I was worried a little. Thanks.
April 28, 2008
To: Administrator
Hey Graham, I've been experiencing some weird email problems. Sometimes I can't access my email, or it takes a long time to send stuff. Could anything be wrong? Security problems, remote access, whatever? I dunno the lingo but I was worried a little. Thanks.
Your Email Account
From: Administrator
Hey Glenn. I checked out your email account after you expressed some of your concerns about access. There's been absolutely no odd or unusual activity on your account, you can bet on it. If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to hit me up.
--Graham Jallardo, GPD technical support
From: Administrator
Hey Glenn. I checked out your email account after you expressed some of your concerns about access. There's been absolutely no odd or unusual activity on your account, you can bet on it. If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to hit me up.
--Graham Jallardo, GPD technical support
Rossi's Deli
Thought you might like to hear this
From: Mel Finn
Seems MCU had your boy's diner under light surveillance. Wiretap showed nothing unusual, just phone orders for various menu items. That is, until just before the incident. Check out MCU3932571. It's odd, one caller seemed to know something was ready to go down, but didn't feel like warning anyone...
April 14, 2008
From: Mel Finn
Seems MCU had your boy's diner under light surveillance. Wiretap showed nothing unusual, just phone orders for various menu items. That is, until just before the incident. Check out MCU3932571. It's odd, one caller seemed to know something was ready to go down, but didn't feel like warning anyone...
Checking In
From: The Slatt Man
Just wanted to check in with you after all the craziness that went down at the Deli. You were in Notaro's head more than anyone - did you have any clue that he was gonna snap like that?
April 17, 2008
From: The Slatt Man
Just wanted to check in with you after all the craziness that went down at the Deli. You were in Notaro's head more than anyone - did you have any clue that he was gonna snap like that?
To: The Slatt Man
Funny you should mention it, Slatt. I'm feeling mighty guilty about the whole deal. I missed a couple of e-mails from Notaro on the morning of the hostage situation because I went to the doctor's (no cause for alarm - just new prescription, is all). But, what if I'd gotten his messages? I might have been able to talk him down before he freaked out. Maybe Mary Breitup would still be alive if I hadn't screwed up...not to mention her husband. I just don't know anymore.
Funny you should mention it, Slatt. I'm feeling mighty guilty about the whole deal. I missed a couple of e-mails from Notaro on the morning of the hostage situation because I went to the doctor's (no cause for alarm - just new prescription, is all). But, what if I'd gotten his messages? I might have been able to talk him down before he freaked out. Maybe Mary Breitup would still be alive if I hadn't screwed up...not to mention her husband. I just don't know anymore.
From: The Slatt Man
Do not, I repeat, DO NOT blame yourself for what that nutcase did. You've been trying to get Notaro to come clean for months. It's not your fault that you missed an e-mail or that the Ferry was out of order the week before - these things happen. That's life, man.
We're the good guys, remember? Because of your work, you've prevented a lot more innocent victims from getting killed.
If you need to talk to someone, CALL ME. And, if I'm not your cup of tea, you might want to talk to the GPD psychologist, Zelda Shoenburgh (no, you're not crazy, but she's great at listening to these cases). Do you need her contact info?
Do not, I repeat, DO NOT blame yourself for what that nutcase did. You've been trying to get Notaro to come clean for months. It's not your fault that you missed an e-mail or that the Ferry was out of order the week before - these things happen. That's life, man.
We're the good guys, remember? Because of your work, you've prevented a lot more innocent victims from getting killed.
If you need to talk to someone, CALL ME. And, if I'm not your cup of tea, you might want to talk to the GPD psychologist, Zelda Shoenburgh (no, you're not crazy, but she's great at listening to these cases). Do you need her contact info?
My hero...
From: Jason A.D.
Looks like someone's bucking for a promotion. Notaro's been singing quite a beautiful song - who knew he had been such a fibber on those DA campaign ads? At least he's owning up to it now.
Way to crack him, pal
April 19, 2008
From: Jason A.D.
Looks like someone's bucking for a promotion. Notaro's been singing quite a beautiful song - who knew he had been such a fibber on those DA campaign ads? At least he's owning up to it now.
Way to crack him, pal
From: Jason A.D.
Aw, shucks, Diaz - you're making me blush. I can't take all the credit. Notaro's been trying to go legit for a while. Guess he finally got scared enough to actually do it.
Aw, shucks, Diaz - you're making me blush. I can't take all the credit. Notaro's been trying to go legit for a while. Guess he finally got scared enough to actually do it.
Psychologist consultation
Possible Consultation
To: Zelda Shoenburgh
Hello - I'm not sure why I'm emailing you, except that I've been obsessing over a recent case of mine and I might need to talk it out with you (is "obsessing" the clinical term?) - I'm not a head case (or I never have been, at least), so this is definitely not a high-priority thing. Just let me know what your schedule is like in the next few days and maybe we can talk.
--Glenn Barhyte, IA
April 17, 2008
To: Zelda Shoenburgh
Hello - I'm not sure why I'm emailing you, except that I've been obsessing over a recent case of mine and I might need to talk it out with you (is "obsessing" the clinical term?) - I'm not a head case (or I never have been, at least), so this is definitely not a high-priority thing. Just let me know what your schedule is like in the next few days and maybe we can talk.
--Glenn Barhyte, IA
From: Zelda Shoenburgh
I'm so glad you contacted me. There's nothing to be ashamed of - everyone needs to talk things out every now and again, especially hard-working law enforcement officials like yourself. What time is good for you?
Dr. Zelda Shoenburgh, M.D.
April 21, 2008
I'm so glad you contacted me. There's nothing to be ashamed of - everyone needs to talk things out every now and again, especially hard-working law enforcement officials like yourself. What time is good for you?
Dr. Zelda Shoenburgh, M.D.
To: Zelda Shoenburgh
Thanks, doc, but it was a false alarm. I've worked through it on my own (you probably don't believe me, but it's true). Besides, I'm sure there are a lot of other patients who need your services more than I do.
--Glenn Barhyte
Thanks, doc, but it was a false alarm. I've worked through it on my own (you probably don't believe me, but it's true). Besides, I'm sure there are a lot of other patients who need your services more than I do.
--Glenn Barhyte
RE: Possible Consultation
To: Zelda Shoenburgh
Dr, I was thinking of taking you up on that consultation. A lot of stuff is going on and maybe I should get some of it off my chest. Can we do Friday 1pm? That way I can just use my lunch hour on it.
April 30, 2008
To: Zelda Shoenburgh
Dr, I was thinking of taking you up on that consultation. A lot of stuff is going on and maybe I should get some of it off my chest. Can we do Friday 1pm? That way I can just use my lunch hour on it.
From: Zelda Shoenburgh
Glenn, I'm so happy you changed your mind about using my services. I'm looking forward to meeting with you tomorrow so that you can clear your mind, search your soul and discuss whatever's bothering you. Remember: everything you share with me is strictly confidential.
All the best,
Dr. Zelda
Glenn, I'm so happy you changed your mind about using my services. I'm looking forward to meeting with you tomorrow so that you can clear your mind, search your soul and discuss whatever's bothering you. Remember: everything you share with me is strictly confidential.
All the best,
Dr. Zelda
Your Missed Appointment
From: Zelda Shoenburgh
I am very dismayed that you skipped our session last week. Were you sick? I hope this has nothing to do with the fact that you teared up as you were recounting the Red Sox loss in game 6 of the 1986 World Series. Crying is healthy and sports are a fabulous outlet for your emotions. You have nothing to be ashamed of.
Plus, I think we made real progress when you discussed your frustrations with Internal Affairs. When are you planning to transfer to MCU? Have you mentioned your decision to any co-workers? Your wife? Talking helps, Glenn. It helps your heart.
See you on Thursday (don't stand me up again, Mr. Man!) - just kidding, I'm not mad.
Dr. Zelda
May 12, 2008
From: Zelda Shoenburgh
I am very dismayed that you skipped our session last week. Were you sick? I hope this has nothing to do with the fact that you teared up as you were recounting the Red Sox loss in game 6 of the 1986 World Series. Crying is healthy and sports are a fabulous outlet for your emotions. You have nothing to be ashamed of.
Plus, I think we made real progress when you discussed your frustrations with Internal Affairs. When are you planning to transfer to MCU? Have you mentioned your decision to any co-workers? Your wife? Talking helps, Glenn. It helps your heart.
See you on Thursday (don't stand me up again, Mr. Man!) - just kidding, I'm not mad.
Dr. Zelda
To: Zelda Shoenburgh
Hey, doc Z - sorry I flaked on the shrink session, but I was tied up with work. It's crazy over here. I promise, I won't miss this Thursday's appointment.
BTW, I wasn't crying about the Sox - my allergies were acting up. See, I'm allergic to Bill Buckner and all that talk just agitated me.
See ya,
Hey, doc Z - sorry I flaked on the shrink session, but I was tied up with work. It's crazy over here. I promise, I won't miss this Thursday's appointment.
BTW, I wasn't crying about the Sox - my allergies were acting up. See, I'm allergic to Bill Buckner and all that talk just agitated me.
See ya,